Middle .NET Engineer




Spring Boot

SQL Server




Project 2023 - Present

Migrated legacy codebase to modern frameworks while maintaining functionality.
Complete database restructure and redesign.
Implemented Outbox and CQRS patterns, using the Mediator pattern for efficient communication.
Conducted integration and unit testing to ensure the application's functionality.
Utilized PostgreSQL for data management and query optimization.
Applied the Unit of Work pattern for effective transaction management.
Deployed using Docker Compose for containerization.
Followed clean code principles to enhance code maintainability.
Utilized Azure Application Insights for monitoring and KQL for advanced querying.
Utilized Azure Email services for notification purposes.

Project 2022 - 2023

Worked on both MVC and Web API projects, successfully e .NET
implementing new features within the NET framework to * Spring Boot
enrich the functionality of our software applications in e SQL Server
alignment with evolving business requirements. Enhanced « Azure
software quality through bug fixing and by implementing unit « PostgreSQL
and integration tests.

Project 2022 - 2023

During the internship, | initially concentrated on optimizing
inter-service communication through Kafka, followed by a
focus on developing applications using Spring Boot and
executing SQL queries to enhance data management and

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